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Young, came to Fujian shuren
Author: Comprehensive Department      Source: Comprehensive Department      date:2013-11-30

With growing group, to meet the new era and the continuous expansion of the market demand, to let more graduates better understanding of Shuren, Shuren injected fresh blood lay a good solid foundation, the group on the afternoon of November 27, 2013 2 in the North Campus of Fujian College of engineering teaching 4#305 held the campus, more than 100 of the school graduates to participate in the the lectures will be the scene many foreign teachets graduating students.
     The recruitment will be divided into enterprise promotion, recruitment introduction, asking questions and on-site recruitment of four links. Opening of the through playing "2013 Shuren group 11 anniversary of Qing expand training camp" feature video, let the scene of the students they have a preliminary understanding and the understanding of Shuren; in preaching group human resources manager Huang Qin lady for everyone to do a career interest test, students are carefully fill.
     Will preach chairman Zhi Qiang Deng and Mr. scene classmates began to share the Treant "yesterday, today and tomorrow", chairman Deng passionate speech is to win the applause; followed by site alumni interaction let everybody sentiment, then Ms. Huang Qin to the students are introduced in detail we recruitment, corporate culture and corporate welfare, to further deepen the understanding of Shuren group. In a question and answer session, everyone to participate actively and enthusiastically questions, group executive president, Ms. fan Xiaowen is patiently one by one to answer, is coming out of the ivory tower of students answering questions, the scene atmosphere to enter the superheating. Finally, interested students solemnly delivered Shuren their job tickets (resume).
     The success of the Shuren Group Campus held is inseparable from the Fujian Academy of engineering employment center for teachers and students to actively cooperate with, but can not be separated from the Group Chairman and CEO recognition of talent. Just as the implementation of the president, said the employment is the process of a two-way choice, since the choice of Shuren, then you have to find Shuren a step faster than others.
     I believe that these young fellows will make a very good choice, at the same time, Shuren group is also very welcome and look forward to join them.

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