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Shuren camp construction, the overall solution, is to the whole camp construction as the core through the integration of service channels help enterprise construction and engineering at home and abroad engineering camp, the new service model. At home and abroad engineering camp construction as a whole solution mainly includes: Engineering at home and abroad camp construction feasibility, technical support services, material preparation, on-site construction system, through all the steps of the integration camp construction service, for customers provide more convenient services and better construction scheme.
At present, sales at home and abroad engineering camp construction overall solution not only provide barracks also provides construction camps of prior planning and design, supporting material procurement, material goods transport services, on-site installation technology services and other service. Including early in the project operation began on site location information analysis, camp total plane layout based on the geographical position, according to the construction period of the project and the local climate choice suitable barracks type and comprehensive facilities, provide complete the procurement and transportation, planning optimal camp construction organization plan etc., so that each professional module solution is a part of the a camp construction overall solution. And from the early stage of the project will focus on the whole process of project management. Usually a wealth of experience at home and abroad will help to effectively circumvent or reduce the potential risks in the construction of the camp.

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Headquarters address:11th floor,Xin rixian Building,No.98-1 Jiangbin East Avenue,Fuzhou,China
Fuzhou factory:Qingxia Road, Qingtang Economic Development Zone, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City
Beijing factory:Qigezhuang Town Industrial Zone, Dachang County, Langfang, Hebei
Email :http://mail.chinashuren.com
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